Andy Hood - SANFL Eagles
It’s brilliant. It will make us more effective and most importantly give us the ability to service our partners well. We have been looking for a platform that is affordable and suits our needs and we have found it. You won’t be disappointed"
Adam Keen - Hackham Hawks FC
"I have been amazed at the quality of service and attention to detail provided. They went above and beyond, and the final product exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking for exceptional results."
Craig Scott - Goodwood Saints
Club Ducks, gives us the opportunity to enhance sponsorship visibility, engagement, and value for our partners and members. We now have access to a range of exclusive tools to engage and manage sponsors and supporters like never before.
Craig Blake - Sponsorship Coordinator Southern Football League
" After looking into other sponsorship platforms, Club Ducks definitely leads the way in providing a professional and simple to use platform with exceptional after sales service."
Clubs SA - CEO, Peter Apostolopolous
"What a great tool to help our member Clubs engage Sponsors, deliver on their commitments and retain their Sponsors long term. We encourage our Clubs SA members to reach out and learn more about Club Ducks."
L-Cassidy (CEO Sport SA)
Congratulations on Club Ducks, a real game changer for the industry.
Mike Donkersley - Plympton FC
The way I see it, Clubs can't afford not to be using Club Ducks!
L Arnold
We offer member discounts at our Bar, the electronic membership card will be brilliant for identifying our members.
Craig P
This makes so much sense, they have literally thought of everything.